Le Mont A

password: mount

CG, video installation 8K, 8:15 min., 2024
Produced by Fondation Fiminco, Fondation Artagon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation

"Furthermore, during difficult times, you may find yourself speaking to the mountain, flattering it, cursing it, making promises or threats. You may feel that the mountain responds if you address it correctly—becoming gentler, more yielding. Do not belittle yourself for this; do not be ashamed of behaving as those whom our specialists call primitive and animistic. Just remember, when you recall these moments later, that your dialogue with nature was only the outward image of an inner dialogue with yourself".

-René Daumal, Mount Analogue

A dialogue between Mount Ararat and René Daumal's Mount Analogue contemplates the paradox of their visible yet unreachable presence as inland mountains. It reflects on how mountains, serve not only as physical landmarks but also as metaphysical constructs that shape our sense of self. Through this lens, the boundaries between personal biography and geography dissolve, revealing the intricate ways in which our identities are intertwined with the landscapes we inhabit. Mount Ararat, its 5,137-meter volcanic peak visible on the horizon, stands as a poignant symbol—permanently in sight, yet inaccessible due to the intractable forces of geopolitical struggle.
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